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Wealth was what kept you alive, when oxygen was becoming rare and you need it to survive. Instead of fixing their world, they keep taking from it, and keep enhancing their bodies to become more immune to their dying world.


ZAN: Lore

You will find simple bullet points explaining the region.

If you wish to learn more about the region in depth, click the name that is linked to a new page.

The histories of the world are not innately known by your characters, but can be discovered through RP.

Zan'notic is within your hands, choose wisely.

Wanting updated lore? Check out our story-line [here].

⚰︎ Launi

  • Cities stacked upon one another to show levels of wealth, significance, and control.

  • Nuvola Inc. have their own controlled weather, making life easy to manage at will. ​This is expanded towards Launi, but the closer they get towards Old Launi, the more unstable it becomes.

    • Cosmic storms are common, due to the damaged ozone layer.

  • Species mentioned, but not limited too:​​​

    • AI, Cyborgs, Humans, and Robotics.

By: rapturedintrepidplanes

⚰︎ RP Hooks

  • Trash thrown down from the cities above, those who are without homes have shaped the trash and made a location that they can claim as their own. Large groups of mischief rats have caused trouble for nearby businesses and going as far to attempting to make their way into the other regions.

  • Never having to worry about noise pollution before, the daily and nightly clubbing continues, causing disturbances to the nearby regions and lifestyles to those who never had to deal with such noise before.

  • Thriving for a utopia, the officers within Nuvola Inc. continue to push for outsiders to not be able to reach their city. They maintain surveillance within Launi, keeping tabs on the wealth statuses, and ensure that inconveniences to other's lives take place to force them to stay within a lower status.

  • 25 days, for each 12 months, 300 days a year.

    • This allows for the healthy to appear to live longer than those who can't afford healthcare in the lower cities. ​

  • One Sun, one Moon,

    • The Sun is ​nearly twice the size as the modern day Sun, and burns hotter and brighter.

    • The Moon is roughly the same size as the modern day Moon, however has a yellow-orange tint to it at all hours.

⚰︎ Solar System

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