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Approval is needed for any Faction to become official to RiP website and Landing Zone.

By: SLUser

⚰︎ Processes

Factions have come from grown Guilds that already have a stronghold claimed on sim. They have offered stories to their players and outsiders, events, and everyday interactions. They’ve gained traction and maintained constant activity to help build themselves into a Faction. 


If the Guild was once a part of a Faction, it will have to detach via story-line and grow on its own. If the Guild did not have a Faction then it is not needed to work with the other Factions. Interactions with the other Factions isn’t required but encouraged to offer more interactions between players. 


Major conflicts can be worked out between Faction Leads for any sim-wide stories that you wish to do, example of this would be a war or merging Factions together within the same region. This requires plotting and planning with the other Faction Leads and consent across all parties. 

Before applying, we encourage:

  • Any and all to become a Freeborn Group (FBG), if not already a Guild.

  • Becoming a FBG/Guild covers advertisement, number gain, and activity before applying.

  • Doing small events and advertising via Discord #adverts-biz-events to encourage players.

⚰︎ Applying

  • You have shown that you have activity and numbers, either through RP or events.

  • You have a second Faction Lead at the ready and they have a Second in Command. 

    • If these slots are not filled at the start of the application, you have up to 2wks after acceptance to fill the roles.

  • You have lore to support why you are in your selected region.

  • Story, that had involved outside parties, has been offered in order to become a Faction. 

  • You feel you are ready to apply for the current open position of the Faction within your region and are able to work together with everyone OOCly without conflict.

⚰︎ Acceptance

  • Stronghold is approved (if not already a Guild) and will be decorated with approved Faction icons/banners. 

  • A minimum of two NPCs will be provided. 

  • NoteCard givers will be able to be set up with the Faction Lead.

⚰︎ Disclaimers

  • Only one Faction per region, until those slots are filled.

    • In an attempt to keep role-play active across all regions, we will only allow one Faction per region until all regions have at least one Faction. 

    • Once there is a Faction per region, two Factions are able to be claimed.

    • This can be flexible.

  • You must be in the Discord due to roles being made for your Faction, answering questions about your Faction, and responding to any messages within your given Faction channels.

  • You acknowledge that if your Faction is to become inactive or you are to step down, that you would lose your current Faction slot and it would become open for anyone else to apply to claim. 

  • If you come back from inactivity, you would need to reapply for your Faction slot. 

If you agree to everything listed above, follow [here] to get the information for your application.

Reach out in #questions-n-queeries and @Admins for them to reach out to you directly and take your application.

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