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⚰︎ [REDACTED] Inc.


[REDACTED] Inc. was a corporation owned by [REDACTED] within the world of [REDACTED]. Inc.’s purpose was to seek out anomalies and to either contain and research or destroy on sight. With this, they found oddities that are unexplained and otherworldly, way beyond the understanding of simple mindsets.


Due to this, the workers of Inc. got into lots of trouble; lives lost, being stalked, buildings destroyed, memory loss, and so much more. Though this never stopped them, and knowing these facts, those who worked for Inc. still signed agreements and contracts that they shall never speak of the corporation or their duties with the outside world.


All of their trouble never stayed away for too long, so when an anomaly was contained and brought back to their labs, it began to become the downfall of Inc. They were experiencing time loops, time lapsing over itself, a timeline that is not theirs mirroring their movements but with unexplained differences. People started to go mad within the labs, the office workers started to work without sleeping and typing until their fingers bled. The whole building became its own quarantine, unknown to the rest of the world.


However, while all of the downfall was taking place, the anomaly became more and more forgotten. Removing itself from people’s minds, and causing the negative effects to only get worse, the longer it remained within the labs.


After what felt like years, but only weeks, the anomaly was discovered by a scientist who was driven to madness. This scientist claimed all anomalies were sins and needed to be destroyed. And they did just that, working to destroy it, and when it finally cracked, everything disappeared.


⚰︎ Crescent Inc.


While searching for a new place to belong and keep hidden from the enemies that could be hunting them down, the Mooncroft family stumbled upon the abandoned [REDACTED] corporate building. Unaware of what the facility once was, and what was resting in wait for them in the basement vault below, the Moonies cleaned up the blood and filth to claim this as their new home and base of operations. Some sort of catastrophe had clearly happened here and claimed the lives of so many inside, but this did not seem to deter the battle hardened group.


Everyone that settled in to this new world made of the stolen pieces of other dimensions knew that anything could happen here, but when disruptive anomalies randomly appeared in their homes, businesses, and settlements, causing chaos and tearing at the delicate fabric of their reality, no one was prepared. The Mooncrofts and those who joined their family dedicated their newly renovated home as a command central to tackle these anomalies and keep this mis-matched world stable for the sake of those trapped here, and their own lives.


They declare no wars, nor call themselves kings, they are Crescent Inc..

Crescent Inc.

The IC support group.

This is not a Faction nor a Guild, it is meant to only be the housing for the story-line and offer story-line related RP for anyone to take apart of.

CI (Crescent Inc.) offers players to also pick up the support role, ICly being able to help one another within this

ever-changing world.

OOC: Mission Statements

  • Note: This is not being a Mentor on Staff. This is strictly ICly.

    • This is a great way for players to get familiar with the lore and possibly apply for the Mentor role, whenever it is open, but it is not required.​​​​

  • Bringing players together, offering RP across all regions, and offering constant and evolving story-lines.

  • Offering the chance for player ideas to influence the ongoing Chapter's goals via RP.​

  • Offering players the chance of being able to help other players without Factions/Guilds alignments.

  • No commitment, unlike Faction/Guilds, so able to come and go as often as the player wants.

OOC: CI Discord Channels

There is a role that player can ask for that will allow access to the CI channels/tags; ask for Crescent Inc.. 

In the CI channels, they will have their own separate announcements, general chat, question channel, but the main focus is their Reports.​

Reports will be made by players for any findings via their own stories, sim story-line, events, or anything they find odd in the world, to better help assist the chaos everyone lives in.


By: rapturedintrepidplanes

IC: Mission Statements

  • To never become involved in the conflicts of others.

  • Investigate and neutralize anomalies that compromise the stability of this fragile reality.

  • Research and discover how this plane made of many worlds came to be, and how its held together.

  • Research and archive facts about the different regions top to bottom so that the knowledge is never lost.

  • Safeguard and store resources/knowledge Faction/Guild Leaders want to ensure is never lost.

    • This is not required by the Factions/Guilds.

IC: Your Character's Role

Your character has the ability to make a difference across all regions, and a chance to make sure this world remains alive.

CI is divided into two teams: In & Out.

Anyone is able to jump back and forth between these teams.

These teams are designed for those who want to be in-house or outsourced, depending on what current missions and objectives that CI has to offer their volunteers.

In Team

  • People who stay in-house and work within the facility, rarely leaving to do field duty. 

  • Researching, studying, running diagnostics, brainstorming, testing hypotheses, bookkeeping, and more.

  • Working the front desks and answering questions for those not familiar with other regions, assisting those who approach and ask for help on understanding.

    • Example: A fairy finds a phone, they don't know what it is.​

  • Taking apart of, or running, classes to educate others on misunderstandings that are commonly ran into.

    • Example: Phone classes, sex ed for monsters, etc.​

Out Team

  • People wanting to become guardians of the intel within CI.

    • This can be on-site or outsourced in the field.​

  • Actively ready to be called onto the field for any new anomaly spotting. ​​

    • Carefully detaining the anomaly and bringing it back to CI.​

    • Preventing civilians from interacting with the unknown.

    • Being at the ready for anything to go sideways.

  • Taking apart of briefings for any new, or old, anomaly that is within CI that may cause trouble.​​

    • Being beside those who are studying anomalies, to be there if anything goes wrong.

Duties can be shared between the teams.

You are not limited to just one.

If you are wanting your character to be at the ready to assist others, ask for the @CI Support role, so you will be notified for those who need assistance. This is for both of our teams.

The tag @CI Support is used in the #crescent-services channel.

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