If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out to ask for help.
⚰︎ Posting In and Spectating:
Unless you have consent from a player, you are not able to post other players in. Some players prefer to just spectate scenes and not actively be a part of them. We encourage you to wear an OOC tag if you are spectating to not be confused for IC. If you are spectating a scene, please ask for consent as some people prefer to keep things private.
⚰︎ Presence in Active Scenes:
In order for your character to know an ongoing scene means they have to be apart of the scene. If you are spying, you still need to post when it is your turn, to keep those aware that you are still spying. We understand you may not have much to add to a scene, but as long as you post in the scene you are actively there. This post can be as small as a one liner or your character getting distracted by a ladybug on the wall.
⚰︎ Wait to Post:
Wait for a round of posts to know the current scene comfortably before joining. Messaging players to understand or asking to join is also commonly acceptable. Please give other players between 10-15mins to enter their posts.
⚰︎ Posting in Large Scenes:
Scenes with five or more active players can get confusing with post orders. Messaging people if they happened to miss your post, using keywords, and don’t take things personally if your post is missed. We’re all human and mistakes can happen with missing posts but we can also become overwhelmed. If you have to leave a scene because of the number count, that is okay.
⚰︎ Thought Posting:
Posting thoughts that would naturally occur to your character in the moment is great! Punctuate this with any associated visible expressions or gestures so that others can possibly react to it. Negative thought posting of outside influences, such as what one might think of the player(s) around them is not okay.
OK!: The witch scrunched his nose at Parn’s idea and shook his head in disagreement. Flirting with the dragon was never a safe bet, but he’d keep his opinion to himself this time.
NOT OK!: The witch was not convinced by Parn’s idea of flirting with the dragon. No expression gave it away, but he knew she was just a dumb bitch, and how stupid she was. So obviously it was a bad idea.
⚰︎ White Knighting:
Consent is needed before you attempt to white knight any scene. Some players are here for the enjoyment of a scene without a hero coming to rescue them, and that needs to be respected. If consent is given, you must wait a round of posts before rushing into the scene.
⚰︎ Capture:
Consent is required for all capture scenes. Capture scenes do not include being jailed for breaking any laws ICly, they are for kidnappings and any other (consented) non-consensual scenes. If your scene has resolved and no next actions were decided across all parties, you are free to make your escape.
⚰︎ Jailed:
While consent is required, ICA=ICC. If a player is caught for committing crimes in a faction/guild zone, that faction/guild is entitled to attempt an arrest. Both parties should communicate any limits and boundaries before proceeding with punishments. Deciding next actions after being jailed is between both parties. If no next actions are decided, and you are jailed without any follow-up scenes, an escape attempt may be made via HUD. These attempts can be made every half-hour if failed. Consider posting your attempts in RP share, and tag the associated faction/guild holding you captive to facilitate RP.
⚰︎ (Discord) Tagging Roles:
Within Discord, there are two channels: #rp-share-nsfw and #looking-for-rp. Both of these channels can be utilized as RP hooks to assist in your stories, engaging other players, and informing others of any shenanigans you may be up to. Neither of these channels are IC knowledge without being a part of the scene. There is an #ic-rumors channel, that is IC knowledge, that can also be used as an RP hook.
⚰︎ In-World Group Raptured Intrepid Planes [IC]:
You have the option of posting any RP hooks to assist in your stories, engaging other players, and informing others of any shenanigans you may be up to. This may not be IC information like the #ic-rumors channel in the Discord, but could be used to gain interest.