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A fishing and shipping port town, that is full of secrets that the locals attempt to keep sealed and only claimed as rumors. Though, with modern media, it's becoming harder to keep those secrets hidden. Debunking anything an outsider has to say, the town continues with a low profile.


ALZ: Lore

You will find simple bullet points explaining the region.

If you wish to learn more about the region in depth, click the name that is linked to a new page.

The histories of the world are not innately known by your characters, but can be discovered through RP.

Aelthaz is within your hands, choose wisely.

Wanting updated lore? Check out our story-line [here].

  • A fishing and shipping port town, holding secrets since 1766 by the locals. 

  • Tropical climate is found here year round.

    • Sudden bursts of rain that never last long, even though there's not a cloud in the sky.​

  • Species mentioned, but not limited too:​​​

    • Humans, and Spirits.

By: rapturedintrepidplanes

⚰︎ RP Hooks

  • With the long history of this town, there are several spirits that are known and many to be discovered. They are slowly stirring after the collision of the regions, gaining a heightened awareness of their surroundings and a greater ability to interact with the physical world.

  • The college downtown is full of attractions for all the public to enjoy, from the public library, to the art museum, and the outdoor theatre at Fountain Square. Empty dormitory rooms are offered to rent for all residents stranded after the collision, complete with rowdy fraternity neighbors and their unpredictable hijinks.

  • Rumors have been heard, when the wind picks up on the beach, it carries both the sand and unknown voices along with it. These voices can’t be made out of where exactly they come from, but long walks along the beach never feel quite alone.

  • Modern day calendar, following 365 days for a year.

  • One Sun and Moon,

    • After the collision, they work in 12hr cycles.

    • 24hrs is still considered one day.

      • 1st Sun(am) vs 2nd Sun(pm)

      • 1st Moon(am) vs 2nd Moon​​​(pm)

        • The first 12hrs are considered am and the second 12hrs are considered pm.​

⚰︎ Solar System

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