If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out to ask for help.
Current version: v0.70
⚰︎ Rules (HUD):
⚰︎ We do allow the use of 3rd Party RP tools/HUDs on sim. We are not here to dictate how you do your day-to-day, however we do require our HUD to be used when scenes require it. Those examples would be:
Combat. This is not negotiable.
Skill checks.
⚰︎ We require you to have the RiP HUD on your person while role-playing on sim, incase the HUD is needed.
⚰︎ You are able to only attach the HUD when these rolls are needed and then remove it after the fact. Because of this, we suggest already filling out the correct stats to the character you are role-playing as, to prevent any misrolls and confusion.
⚰︎ For transparency, our HUD does not save any logs. If you want to save your logs, you have to do so yourself.
⚰︎ Rules (Combat):
⚰︎ Combat requires consent. In Character Actions (ICA) equals In Character Consequences (ICC), however consent is still required.
⚰︎ When combat initiative is rolled via d100, combat becomes locked. When combat is locked, no one is able to join that combative scene other than those who have already rolled the initiative d100. For large parties, we suggest making a Post Order object (rezzing an object and using a floating text script to list who goes in what order.) Initiative is decided by who rolls the highest, goes first, and those who roll the lowest go last. An example, Tori would post first, then Mickael, then Leao. After Leao posts, it's Tori's turn again. Those who are defeated simply get removed from Post Order.
Tori (98) > Mickael (46) > Leao (23)
⚰︎ Whenever you post in combat, your post is taken as an attempt. You are attempting to land these attacks, so leave it open ended. You are expected to post first then roll after. An example:
(98: Tori:) "The bird wiggles his talons before he lunges forward, in attempt to tackle the witch!"
Roll: [14:35] Mickael is attacked by Tori [d20+0] for a 9 vs. DC10 [FAILED]
(46: Mick:) "The witch could predict such an action, and simply side-stepped to avoid the tackle. There will be no attack this round."
Roll: No roll, as mentioned via post.
(23: Leao:) "Letting the two be the distractions, he'd wiggle his butt before pouncing and latching his hands onto Tori's shoulders, to push him down to the dirt."
Roll: [14:40] Tori is attacked by Leao [d20+0] for a 15 vs. DC10 [SUCCESS] - 2 WOUNDS!
(98: Tori:) "The bird staggered after being dodged by the witch, turning too late to see the batgon pushing onto his back, and into the dirt he went, face down! In reaction, he'd attempt to swat his tail to try and slap the batgon off of him!"
Scene continues in loop.
⚰︎ Your "Set Element", "Set Style", and "Set Armor" cannot be changed after initiative has been rolled. All of this must take place before combat, due to the HUD calculating bonuses with your Element/Style/Armor.
⚰︎ While we do allow outside RP tools, when it comes to our combat (and skill checks), you MUST have the RiP HUD on your person, so if combat is to occur, you have the HUD and able to attach it for the rolls. If you're locked in combat with our RiP HUD, you cannot detach it until combat is over and you're within your 1hr cool-down.
⚰︎ No more than 2v1, unless agreed upon before hand. If you approach a scene that turns aggressive with 3v1, one of you will have to remain out of combat to fit the 2v1 ruling.
⚰︎ Healing can only take place three times per character. If your character is healed three times, by three different people, it still counts. Healers may only post healing rolls, but once they have healed all party members three times, they cannot heal anymore. The HUD does not allow you to heal yourself.
⚰︎ After combat has ended, each party member that was apart of the combat has to wait 1hr before taking part of another combat scene. This 1hr cool-down allows time for the wounded to heal, not be attacked with low health, and it takes 1hr to fully heal your health bar without healing role-play. The only exception to this would be combat events, which would be one-offs and disclosed to players.
⚰︎ Calling for help can only take place before initiative is rolled. The only ones who can come to your aid are those within 20m (posting range). If you plan on being a White Knight, please refer to our RP Etiquette.
You cannot:
Teleport anyone into the scene and then post your 'call for help'.
Message someone to walk within post-range and then post 'call for help'.
Convenient timing is one thing, planning it is another. Please, be respectful.
⚰︎ For capture/jailing scenes, all of that is consent based. Please refer to our RP Etiquette.
⚰︎ Fleeing a scene requires a d20 roll, with the following DCs. If you roll the DC, it is a success. Please, make sure to post your fleeing post and continue to leave the scene (you may stick around for a round of reactive posts), but you CANNOT be attacked if you flee successfully.
1v1 & 2v1: DC10
2v2 & 3v2: DC11
3v3 & 4v3: DC12
4v4 & 5v4: DC13
5v5 & 6v5: DC14
6v6[+]: DC15
⚰︎ Calling for Help/Fleeing/Capture/Jailing:
HUD Guide
This is a in-depth guide to break down each button.
There will be explanations and a run through of
how the HUD works, how it gets the rolls, and
examples of times of when to use certain options.
This is meant to be used as a breakdown and to better understand each button separately.
Click on the button you wish to lean more about and it will take you to that button's guide.


⚰︎ Main (1):

All of these buttons, except for
the Teleport, you can find throughout the HUD.
Our Teleport options offers landmarks throughout both sims.
/2 for character posting.
/3 for narrative posting.

All of our NPC options are for events only. They act like you're targeting a player, so there is no difference in appearance.
Using the Attack and Roll vs. option, the next window asks you to target the player's SL Username, to prevent confusion on who you are targeting. After selecting the player's name, the HUD will automatically roll for you in-world.
When the HUD generates a roll, you will see a "Roll Verified." which verifies the roll from our HUD.
If the HUD is spoofed, you will get an in-world message
"Name: Roll Unverified. This roll may be spoofed.",
if this happens reach out to an Admin with screenshots.
⚰︎ Combat (2):

For normal hits, you can land up
to 3 WOUNDS, which is determined through
a Random Number Generator (RNG) using a d6.
1-2: 1 WOUND(S)
3-4: 2 WOUNDS
5-6: 3 WOUNDS
If you land a critical hit, which is by a
natural d20 before any modifiers, your RNG is now a 2d6.
7-8: 4 WOUNDS
9-10: 5 WOUNDS
11-12: 6 WOUNDS

When you have defeated a player, there is an announcement that states:
"(Name) has been downed!"

Initiative is rolled with the d100.
Every character has 9HP and 10DC.
If you roll a 10 vs 10DC, it is a successful attack.

⚰︎ Stats (3):

We do not offer additional modifiers for Attack/Defense.
Every character has a 10DC and their attack modifiers are based upon their Combat Styles.
The 8 Stat Points you have are able to go into our
Role-Playing actions that use a d6 as a base for rolls.
You are able to get up to a 6d6 for one stat.
You are able to reset these stats once a week, that announces in local that you have reset your stats.

Show Stats allows you to see where your
current stat points are assigned. It will display your
current set Combat Style and your Remaining Stat Points.

⚰︎ Character Creation (4):

Switching between Health Bar and Health Hearts changes the appearance of your HP on your titler.

There is a 100 character limit
in the Description, and it does
allow special characters. Each special
character counts as 2 out of the 100 limit.

Your Combat Style will be set here. This is where you see the [Light/Earth/Melee] in your titler. This is how your modifiers in combat are determined against the other player's set Combat Style.
Your Combat Style is able to be changed at any time.
However, if you have already rolled initiative for combat, you are not able to change your Combat Style until after combat is over.
You are able to have up to +3 and as low as -3 on your attacks.
Your modifiers all depend on the character's
Combat Style you're going up against.
Light beats Heavy.
Heavy beats Medium.
Medium beats Light.
Melee beats Range.
Range beats Caster.
Caster beats Melee.



Dark beats Water & Earth.
Fire beats Dark & Radiant.
Earth beats Fire & Water.
Radiant beats Earth & Dark.
Water beats Radiant & Fire.

⚰︎ Healing (5):

All of our NPC options are for events only. They act like you're targeting a player, so there is no difference in appearance.

When the HUD generates a roll, you will see a "Roll Verified." which verifies the roll from our HUD.
If the HUD is spoofed, you will get an in-world message
"Name: Roll Unverified. This roll may be spoofed.",
if this happens reach out to an Admin with screenshots.
You are only able to heal up to 3 WOUNDS,
which is determined through a
Random Number Generator (RNG) using a d6.
1-2: 1 WOUND(S)
3-4: 2 WOUNDS
5-6: 3 WOUNDS
Every character has 9HP.

When you have fully healed a player, it will announce:
"(Name) is already at max health!"
This will also be announced if you attempt to heal someone who is already healed at max. If you post in combat, healing a player, and they are at max health, you are not able to re-do your post. If someone is in need of healing, it will be reflected via titler as dotted bars or empty hearts.

⚰︎ Character Select (6):

Everyone has six character slots for different characters.

⚰︎ Role-Play Rolls (7):

We have a few listed examples of what these skills can mean, but you are not limited to these examples.
We have attempted to make a generalized skill set list that could be used across all the regions on the sim.
⚰︎ Stealth
⚰︎ Observation
Five Senses
⚰︎ Survival
Animal Handling
⚰︎ Athletics
Weapon Proficiency
⚰︎ Attunement
⚰︎ Crafting