The rules are sectioned in different categories to make locating easier. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out to ask for help.
Looking for OOC Events? Click [here].
⚰︎ Rules (Building and Events):
⚰ Buildings that are marked as a Public RP Location are open to all.
⚰︎ Autoreturn is set for 3hrs.
⚰︎ Players are allowed up to 100 LI to use for personal or community scenes. Please, pick up your prims after you are done.
⚰︎ No griefing tools or weather systems.
⚰︎ Anyone is able to host events; spur of the moment or planned out.
⚰︎ Please try to stay within a 2hr grace period between events to allow players a cool down and to not overlap events over one another.
⚰︎ If your event is private, as an example faction locked, please make sure to advise that it is faction locked to prevent any confusion.
⚰︎ Reach out to Moderation if you are needing additional LI for your event.
⚰︎ If you are wanting to host an event and need building assistance, you would need to reach out to our Build Team at least 2wks prior. If you fail to do so, we may not be able to assist your event.

⚰︎ Public RP Location
If there is already an active scene at a public RP area, you are unable to ask them to leave.
These locations cannot be claimed OOCly or as any strongholds but can be used for Freeborn Groups (FBGs) locations.
If a FBG turns into a Guild/Faction, they will need to select a new stronghold location.
We ask that no alts sit at the location to keep it claimed, please open up any locations for other players to have a chance to RP, if not currently in use.
If you are idling for a scene, that is different, than keeping it claimed via alt for personal gain.
⚰︎ Rules (OOC Vendors Renting):
⚰︎ L$90: 30 LI. Waitlists are open.
⚰︎ Please keep your items within your designated stall. Do not go over the LI.
⚰︎ No flashers, exploders, particles, or noise makers.
⚰︎ No Dropboxes.
⚰︎ Event scripts are preferred for vendors to reduce lag.
⚰︎ If a banning occurs, you will not be refunded for remaining time.
⚰︎ Rules (Residential Renting):
⚰︎ There are a different variety of LI offered across residential rentals. Waitlists are open.
Offered LI: L$250: 50 LI | L$200: 40 LI | L$175: 35 LI | L$125: 25 LI
⚰ Residential rentals are a private role-play area. You must ask consent to be within someone’s rental.
⚰︎ Only one residential rental per player. You may have an additional business rental, but are unable to have two residentials. If you use any alternative accounts, only one of your accounts may have a rental.
⚰︎ Adding tenants to your rental does not increase LI, it stays as the rented amount across all tenants. Be mindful of your prim use.
⚰︎ You are able to decorate inside and outside the rental, if your rental allows it. Example of this would be a porch or leaving flowers outside of your doorway for an apartment.
⚰︎ No upgrades to prim allowances.
⚰︎ You are given 48hrs on an overdue payment before eviction. If there are any issues, such as going on vacation and unable to make payments, reach out to moderation. There are no guarantees for extending your timeframe before eviction.
⚰︎ If a banning occurs, you will not be refunded for remaining time.
⚰︎ Rules (Business Renting):
⚰︎ We have two styles of Business Rentals: Furnished and Unfurnished. There are a different variety of LI offered across unfurnished business rentals. Waitlists are open.
⚰︎ Business rentals are an open role-play area.
⚰︎ You must be apart of the Discord to be a business owner due to activity checks.
⚰ Activity checks will be done twice a month, every two weeks. Activity can consist of: public role-play, events, or story-line support.
⚰︎ You are given 2wks on inactivity before eviction. If there are any issues, such as going on vacation and unable to make payments, reach out to moderation. There are no guarantees for extending your timeframe before eviction.
⚰︎ If a banning occurs, you will not be refunded for remaining time.
⚰︎ Furnished:
L$1: 1 LI
1 LI is offered to allow a NoteCard giver to be added to the furnished business.
Furnished businesses are already named. The name cannot be changed with any new ownership.
⚰︎ Unfurnished:
Offered LI: L$175: 50 LI | L$140: 40 LI | L$123: 35 LI | L$88: 25 LI
Any type of business can be in any type of region.
We do allow more than one of the same types of business across all regions.
⚰︎ Rental Boxes:
⚰︎ Every region has their own lanterns, but all of the colors are the same across all regions.
⚰︎ Available

⚰︎ Reserved

⚰︎ Rented

⚰︎ Overlimit

⚰︎ Locked

⚰︎ Overdue

OOC Events
These events will take place on the 2nd sim Landing Zone.
Here is a teleport to our 2nd Landing Zone [here].
⚰︎ Hosting Events
If you are wanting to host an event at RiP, reach out to the @Admins in #questions-n-queeries for assistance.
DJs of all medias are able to reach out.
Have another event in mind, that isn't DJing? Let us know.
We're open to any/all ideas, shoot your shot!
⚰︎ Fair Table Vendors
Whenever we have any event happening, our Fair Tables become open for anyone to take and advertise anything OOC related.
Examples, but not limited to, would be art commissions, mesh commissions, Etsy store, Twitch/YouTube streaming, etc.
⚰︎ Anyone is able to host an event, or take part of an event, even if they're not RPing on sim.
⚰︎ A poster will be made for the event.
The poster will be given as a full perm texture that people can hand out to one another.
The poster will be shared via Primfeed and in Discord by the RiP account.
⚰︎ All rules must be followed during any of these events.
⚰︎ Both the hosting and fair vendors are given a 3hrs for the event.
(Building and Events) rules apply.
Autoreturn is set for 3hrs.
You are given 100li to decorate the platform to your liking.
You must supply your own tip jar and DJ set up.
If you need assistance decorating the platform, reach out to our @Build Team in #questions-n-queeries for assistance.
Fair Vendor:
We have 12 tables: L$30: 10 LI per hour, 3hrs max (L$90 max).
No land group is offered for the fair tables.
Autoreturn is set for 3hrs.
If you are apart of the land group, you will need to pick up your prims.
No refunds on Fair Table Vendors.
If the hosting event falls through, we will shift gears to focus on a Fair event instead.