Guild Application
Reach out in #questions-n-queeries and @Admins for them to reach out to you directly and take your application.
Reach out if you have any questions and good luck!
⚰︎ Information
Information for your Guild will need to be written by you, both in formations of: NoteCards and Website.
Websites can be anything from Google Sites, Docs, Slides or Wix, Weebly, etc.
They need to be able to show all the information your NoteCards offer.
These websites will be linked on the official RiP Website for easy access for any and everyone.
They will need to be updated with any information that updates within your Guild.
Icon would need to be provided both .png and UUID.
Stronghold location already in mind.
Apply With a Faction:
Acknowledging OOCly that you are able to work with the Faction Leads.
Faction Leads are already aware of your application and will support the approval process.
Align with the Faction and their ways.
Apply Without a Faction:
Aware that you do not have a Faction to support you ICly.
Not needing alignment with any current Factions or other Guilds.
⚰︎ Copy & Paste
Guild Lead Information:
SL User:
Discord User:
Second in Command (2iC) Information:
2iC SL User:
2iC Discord User:
Location Information:
Stronghold Landmark:
With a Faction or Without a Faction:
(Skip if Without):
With a Faction:
Faction Name:
Faction Lead SL User:
Faction Lead Discord User:
Guild Information:
Website Link: (Not required until after acceptance.)
Description of Guild:
(If applicable):
Descriptions of Roles/Ranking:
Current Members within Roles/Ranking: (SL Users)
Did you advertise as a Freeborn Group (FBG)?
Do you have more than 10 active members in your FBG?
Have you hosted an event yet?
Are you aiming to turn into a Faction or are you comfortable as a Guild?
If you could change the application process, what would you change? (We appreciate honesty.)